XK Group is an elite team providing advisory services to important clients to help them mitigate risk, seize opportunities, and to navigate a complicated and sometimes dangerous world. Led by Kevin Hulbert, XK Group has talented leaders drawn from the elite of the intelligence community with hundreds of years of combined experience working in challenging overseas environments.

Our services include:

• Due diligence
• Risk and Security assessments
• Competitive intelligence
• Background investigations
• Sensitive investigations

• Fraud investigations
• Travel services
• Law enforcement liaison
• Security training

In late 2018, Mr. Hulbert was named to the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB), a recognition of his talents and his deep experience in the intelligence community and his experience running complicated operations worldwide. The PIAB has a proud history of dedicated service to the President and the Nation.  For more than 60 years, Presidents have benefitted from the Board’s advice on matters relating to intelligence and national security.

Dealing with complex national security threats worldwide, XK Group principals have held the very fate of the nation in their hands. What can we do for you?